Getting started#


geofileops is written in python, but it relies on several other libraries that have dependencies written in C. Those C dependencies can be difficult to install, but luckily the conda package management system also gives an easy alternative.

The easy way#

If you don’t have conda installed yet, you can install it using the miniforge installer.

Now start the conda prompt and create a new conda environment with the following commands:

conda create -n geo
conda activate geo

If you use e.g. anaconda or miniconda instead of a miniforge installation, also run following commands to specify that all depencencies should be installed from the conda-forge channel. Mixing packages from multiple channels is bound to give problems sooner or later:

conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
conda config --env --set channel_priority strict

Finally, you can install geofileops:

conda install python=3.10 geofileops

The hard way#

If you are not able/willing to use conda to install the dependencies, please follow the instructions to install GeoPandas.

Afterwards you can install geofileops with pip.