
The source code can be found on the geofileops git repository.

If you want to do feature requests or file bug reports, that’s the place to be as well.

Create development environment#

The first step would be to fork and clone the geofileops git repository, to be able to run/debug the code.

The easiest way to install the dependencies of geofileops and run it is to use the conda package manager. If you don’t have it installed yet, here is a link to the miniforge installer.

Start the conda prompt and create a new conda environment with the following commands:

conda env create -f environment-dev.yml
conda activate geofileops-dev

If you use e.g. anaconda or miniconda instead of a miniforge installation, also run following commands to specify that all depencencies should be installed from the conda-forge channel. Mixing packages from multiple channels is bound to give problems sooner or later:

conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
conda config --env --set channel_priority strict

It is recommended to install the pre-commit hook that will take care of the automatic checks and formatting, so you don’t run into linting errors when you create a pull request:

pre-commit install